"Digo já, depende do valor.
Ah, estas a medir o açúcar!
Estou a ver... Olha sim, pode ser o copo cheio!!! 49mg/dL.
Epá isso é baixo não é?!
Sim, foi de nos terem rompido as pernas até aqui, em mim revela-se neste aspecto, por isso tenho de ir controlando de vez em quando, até porque não estava a ter os principais sintomas, influência das últimas descidas até aqui, certamente, se fosse em subida!
Humm, isto é marmelada, não é? E estes bolos são bons? "Que rica pinga", mesmo fesquinha..."
O resto já se sabe!
Tempo total 4:41:30h
Calorias consumidas 2.149
RC média 142
This chronicle prologue has since July, when it change my insulin regimen. From mixed and quickly I went to a basal and ultra fast insulins.
The measurements have become much more regular, a mouth "behavoir" avoid being "badly", trying to be a controlled diabetic as possible, thus avoiding the complications of chronic illness, being able to live till 100 with a maturity of 25 years! For sure!!!!
Morning with a inexplicably high value (the night before with 132mg/dL with a normal intake of 2/3 HC, basal insulin did not act as normally) at 6:30am, so I took a small shot of insulin. For breakfast I change one aspect; coffee "home made" with milk and some toast corn bread with butter, including two tablespoons of flaxseed meal in the drink. At 8:30am I check and was high again, I was in doubt; "took, I didn't take this thing of flaxseed is up, up!!!"
Anyway, with the event briefing I get 2 units to go "ultra fast" but still clenched a pear. The 35Km route was the most attended, in my case, 50Km, the first 25km were a constant "brake legs" during the long climb were few declines, because of pine trees with the "resineiros" work with, they helped to mitigate the heat efect, today eucalyptus are to mush too.
Around 15km I started biting some carbs, with isotonic drink - VITARGO Electrolyte "low concentrate" due to blood glucose values from breakfast, taking the opportunity to take some photos from the stunning scenery of this Rota dos Resineiros (name to professional who work with pine trees, taking the resin, in Portuguese is "resina").
Together with two elements from Riomaior Btteam (Paulo Santos and João Nunes) we got the 1st Supply Zone, the table was already waiting for us, from what I saw: crisp, dry cakes homemade, marmalade portions, peanuts, bananas, oranges, various sandwiches, real coke, juices, water, everything fresh ...
"I say now, it depends on the value.
Ah, you're measure the blood sugar!
Yes... Ok yes, the cup can be full!! 49mg/dL.
Hauch, this is low, isn't it!?
Yes, it was because we've "broken the legs" till here, in me it have this consequences, so I must control regularly during the event, much because I was not having the similar symptoms, influence from last declines, if it was uphill!
Humm, that is marmalade, right? And these cakes are good? "nice drink" still coold... "
The rest you already know!
I say good bye to Rio Maior riders to stay and rest a bit, I put a banana in my pocket, water and I leave "quietly", it was to climb up!
Being "resineiro" was not and isn't easy work, the 10km separating 1st and 2nd SZ, this last in the river beach from Ermida village, before getting there I ate a banana, took another bite of my VITARGO Protein bar, I lost, hit the road again, helped remove a tire to patch, and arrived to single tracks area, especially open by PÊNÊVÊS. At one point I had to put in practice my photographer qualities, which uses the cell phone, to portray me in full auto crossing, rebuilt for this Rota.
5km to finish line we still climb, CLIM to a village called Malhadal, tired, I had to stop and stretch my muscles, I take a photo "vine season" (attention to proportion: vine / grapes).
At the end my opinion ir a 5 stars event this Rota dos Resineiros; Organization, route details, markings, supplies, baths, lunch (buffet at Proenca-a-Nova Inn), all for 15€ is hard to match. CONGRATULATIONS.
From my GARMIN;
46.29km distance in 17 place, from 23 finishers
Total time 4:41:30h
Calories consumed 2149
RC average 142
Excelente relato de um passeio, não só pelo que retiro desta mas por todo o feedback que me chegou, 5 ESTRELAS!
ResponderEliminarNão posso deixar de realçar também o sentido didáctico desta reportagem.
Parabéns e Obrigado pela partilha
Um abraço
Amigo Silvério,
ResponderEliminarTive o prazer de me cruzar contigo, pessoalmente, no Passeio da Sertã e na X100.
OGRIGADO pelas tuas palavras.
Pedaladas boas,
Cá esta o homem ... grande desportista se todos fosse assim os diabetes deixavam de assustar muita gente !!!
ResponderEliminarBoas pedaladas,
ResponderEliminarMuito obrigado pelas palavras.
Tenho gosto em partilhar estas minhas experiências!!!
Pedaladas boas e até aos Trilhos da Raia,